out now
co-produced by NO=FI Recordings and SOUND OF COBRAEXPO'70 / ANCIENT OCEAN
split LP
NO024 / SOC09

500 copies
black vinyl
artwork by JUSTIN WRIGHT
Justin Wright / Expo 70 for this 12" keeps his psych drone space attitude mixed with kraut influences. Hanging the guitar at the wall in a corner, he recorded a great moog impro (using OPUS 3 and Realistic): a tranquil ambient soundtrack, dreamy as tangerine dream can be, perfect for a space journey, somewhere else near the stars, far far away from this earth we live on; a warm texture keeps us in vacuum place and no rythms come to bring us back to the reality. Listening to it, we thought there´s a magic place somewhere and we wanna find it and go there: but now, we just enjoy this 20mins Justin made for us.
The other side is for the brooklyn based musician John Bohannon aka ANCIENT OCEAN: hailing from the American South, he has howned a unique style of blissed-out amibent/drone meets americana-rooted psychedelia. The spaceship we were on slowly turns into a submarine and from the outer space we quicly dive into a deep ocean made of guitar loops and samples, listening to it we feel lost in a mix of cold and warm currents and dark shadows swim all around. Nice to be here!
Decomposition // Decay
listen HERE an extract
EXPO70 side
Waves In Caverns of Air
listen HERE an extract
Vinyl costs 12euros + shipping
orders: nofirecordings@gmail.com
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